I love hunting morels and when I can’t hunt them, I create paintings of the experience. I call these paintings “Morelscapes” and all these paintings have morels within the scene
The artwork is a tale of a young lady who has laid down on a lush carpet of grass to read her favorite stories of spring. As she gets absorbed into the book, the stories she is reading come alive around her. In addition to the animals of spring I just had to include those delectable morsels of gastronomical delight known as morel mushrooms.
This painting was featured in the beautiful French morel book
“Morilles de France et d’Europe”
that was printed in 2020
While I was exhibiting my paintings at a Morel Festival in Indiana a few years ago a very nice lady approached me and t old me that if I were to put a cute deer in a painting that she may purchase a print. So I went home and created this painting.
The bonds that bind people, animals and plants together are very special and I have tried to illustrate these connections in this “Natural Bonds” painting. If you look closely, the painting includes a pair of wood ducks, turkeys, deer and that special bond that a couple has when they have spent a lifetime together. (Of course we can’t for get the many special relationships the morels in the foreground have.)
While wondering in the woods a few years ago I seen an older gentleman wearing a hat with an oyster, bolete, pheasantback, sulphur shelf, shaggy mane, honey and hen of the woods mushrooms. There was a chipmunk on his shoulder, a ruffed grouse on the top of his hat and a small owl peeking from the inside the tree stump hat. he came running up to me held in his hands a beautiful group of morel mushrooms. He said that I copied have the morels if I respected the forested land and treated it with kindness. As soon as I said yes, he smiled, told me to have fun and quickly disappeared leaving me holding the handful of morels.
This print depicts a special person who has spent his life in appreciation of the woods and fauna surrounding him. There comes a time, a moment when one understands his destiny and the time to reflect upon his past is no longer the comfort that it once was. Life is a short walk, the comfort belongs to the future and in a belief so strong that a mere obstacle such as death is only a clearing to a more glorious and contented existence.
The wonderment of a child living in a land of fantasy, when faced with a new discovery will certainly turn his head in amazement. What could be more amazing to a curious child that a group of morels?
On many mornings when hunting morels I have heard the grouse send his message across the landscape. Along with the deer by the creek, the old covered bridge and of course the morels it makes for a fantastic way to start the day.
Click on the image to purchase a print or go to the. “DON HUBER ART” store to see other options.
When the warblers arrive in spring it’s time to head up the lane into the woods. These flighty little birds are a welcome sight in the spring, but not quite as exciting as the view of a few fresh morels.
Isn’t it great when a grandmother can have a connection with her granddaughters through such a great discovery?
Painted in the style of an old magazine cover.
In this painting I’ve tried to capture a little of the quiet and serenity of a woodland setting. Situated next to a creek with morels growing and beautiful maiden gathering for an evening meal, this painting is more on a fantasy side. I have to admit that I haven’t actually seen a sight like this, but that is why we dream.
The morning has warmed up, grandpa and two of his grandsons have come across a patch of morels. While they wait for their hunting companions to join them they have taken off their jackets and are having a little fun with a really “huge” morel that the youngest boy has found. In the background the two other grandsons have just come into the patch area and one is already on his knees picking those tasty morsels. A rose breasted grossbeak is watching nearby, a chipmunk plays in the foreground and behind the boys you can see the tail of a deer that is leaping away.
This is another one of those special memories that are so clearly associated. with the family and mushroom hunting.
When you see a patch of morels and at the same time see a “NO HUNTING” sign, it can cause a dilemma. Especially for three young brothers who just happen to be walking down the lane, possibly coming home from school or just looking for a little Saturday morning mischief. I’ll let you decide, but I do know that this scene has undoubtedly been played out more than just a few times over the years.
SHHH, be quiet someone may hear you.
I painted this in the style of an old magazine cover that I call “The Morel Journal”
Like the robin on the post with the worm in his beak, the boy picking morels has gotten up early in the day to be the first one to pick the morels. The deer in the background are looking on, the pintails are flying overhead and a squirrel is scampering over the woodland floor. These are all signs that another beautiful spring day has begun. Coming up the lane is a man that just took to much time getting ready for the days hunt. Like the old saying goes,
“The early bird gets the morels”
As the sun rises in the morning to start another beautiful day, the treasured morels stand along the lane ready to greet you.
People talk about Mother Nature and I believe that in the spring she is.“Mother Morel'“.
Surrounded by the fragrance of the tasty woodland delight, the village you long to live in is built and of the “Morchella Esculenta”, commonly referred to as a morel. It’s the story in itself as young ones sit in wonder about their future while other couples leave on a hunt through life as an elderly couple comes back home.
I was inspired to create this painting of a creek just a 10 minute walk from my home. Now I have to admit that I never found any morels there, but that is what I like about creating art, I am allowed to imagine, how many times have you closed your eyes at night and seen morels after a long day of hunting.
When you are young and everything that you discover new in life is fascinating and mysterious, it is sometimes like living in a fantasy world, not being able to distinguish reality from imagination. The world of mushrooms has long been associated with mystery and fascination in the faces of these young explorers.
Imagine what it would be like the first time you found a morel and no one was there to explain it to you.
This is my vision of a story book coming alive. I couldn’t help myself and I just had to add a few morels to the scene.
This artwork was used as the cover of
magazine in March 2006.
The perils of hunting the elusive morels are
Just a great row of tasty morels
This painting is based on photos that I took while on a trip with my wife to Alaska in 2011. I used many different photos as reference for this painting.
This painting is based on photos that I took while on a trip that my wife and I took to the beautiful northwestern states in 2012. I combined approximately a dozen of my photos as reference to create this painting.