Paintings that I completed for a local wine bar called “The Cavern Club”


The lady in the painting exists below the surface of your imagination. In that imaginary world, she recides in a universe of plaesure and rewards, not concerned about the negatives of such a life. I represented the reality of her situation as a poison dart frog and the eyes in the flowers as nature seeing and understanding more than we as caretakers of the world do.

Inspired by the Beatles song “STRAWBERRY FIELDS”


I tried to get all of the image representations in the painting, including Dan, Gideons Bible, Rocky, and of course Magill, who called herself “Lill'“. I painted like it was an old card that may be played in an old saloon and made the Jack of Hearts green to show an envious heart that has been broken. Along with a broken heart I imagine blood dripping from the heart to show that Rocky had been shot. The painting also has a whiskey bottle to represent the saloon, wild life and possible that Rocky may have succumbed to.

This painting was inspired by the Beatles song “ROCKY RACCOON”


Mr. Octo is the host of a beautiful place where I invite my love to spent a very romantic meal and enjoy the isolation from the bustling world above the waves.

Inspired by the Beatles song “OCTOPUS”S GARDEN””

I imagine Miss Rigby as an elderly lady that has passed away and I painted what she has left behind. Her beloved cat that kept her company, a jar of face cream that made her feel younger and small bags of rice that she collected from weddings that she has attended throughout her life. I also included a mask to represent her and portray the pain and loneliness that she hid from her friends throughout her life. I used the city as a backdrop to best show the many lonely people that are living their lives in the same lonely manner. Across the street in another apartment stands a lonely man in a window delivering a prayer for an old departed friend.


Inspired by the Beatles hit ELEANOR RIGBY”

This is a person who hasn’t been home for. very long time. I imagine this lady as a person that left home because of a troubled past represented by the haunting rag doll hiding in the nightstand. Even though there are troubling memories, I believe everyone still holds a special place in their heart for the home where they lived as a child. The picture on the nightstand represents the humble home that is so longed for.


Inspired by the Beatles song “GOLDEN SLUMBERS”

This song reminds me of a person who has had trouble and pain in their life, represented as a lady with a wounded arm and has just discovered the answer to her problems and is letting her spirit fly and become free.


Inspired by the Beatles song, BLACKBIRD”


The painting shows a man who is amazed at a woman who stands with him when he leaves her, when he steps out of line and even when she helps him write his life story. She drags his world around with her through difficult periods in her life, struggles with his life when she has troubles of her own and eventually just drags his sorry ass around. All the while he sits there contemplating what kind of world he belongs in, self absorbed and justifiably amazed at the beautiful lady that stays by his side.

My interpretation ao the Beatles song “BABY I”M AMAZED”


I represented this image as one who sits in his own self-absorbed world making plans and directions that are as stable as a paper airplane.

Inspired by the Beatles song “NOWHERE MAN


Represented as an old photo album, I tried to incorporate the image of a young man happy and content with the world he was living in, even though he had left a young lady that loved him\ very much. When he is older his face reflects the regrets and mistakes that he made when he was much younger man.

Inspired by the Beatles song “YESTERDAY”

This is the visual I get when I hear this great song and I don’t really have or do I believe that it needs a further explanation.


My interpretation of the Beatles song. “WHILE MY GUITAR GENTLY WEEPS

I’ve tried deliver a message of a couple that is going through a transition in their relationship. The winter of frozen emotions is giving way to the thaw of a special bond between a couple destined for each other. The mountains of snow are thawing as the Sun Princess delivers an orb of warmth from the sun. I’ve symbolized that as a mountain stream thawing in a spring setting and included two streams bonding, becoming one and falling on the ground with warmth that brings forth a flush of spring orchids.


Inspired by the Beatles song “HERE COMES THE SUN”


I picture this man as a dark figure with a mind that no one wants to find or understand. He stands on his own imagined hill watching the world go round and not caring about the people that criticize him. I believe he knows that they have their own problems that they don’t want to. admit or understand.

Inspired by the Beatles song “FOOL ON THE HILL”

As it says in the song, I’ve been working like a dog and I should be sleeping like a log”. I interpreteted those lines as he is actually becoming what he says he wants. His face has become that of a dog and his legs are becoming anchored to the ground as a tree. Maybe we don’t need all or thoughts to actually become reality.


Inspired by the Beatles song “Hard Days Night”


I imagine this boy dreamed of his perceived love giving her heart to him as soon as he whispered to her that he loved her. There may be a gulf between his hopes and actual reality. If he felt he had to whisper instead of yell, it must surely show that he knew his dreams overshadowed his reality.

Another Beatles inspiration of the song. “DO YOU WANT TO KNOW A SECRET”


This painting represents the wanting of a young man to lazy to pursue his perceived love. She is a working girl from England that has gone on to become a Hollywood starlet and although he dreams of her presence and stands hypnotized by the ocean that separates them, he doesn’t possess or understand the true commitment of a real love. I imagine this lady as an early movie star, before color film was the standard and use this as a way to say that the man, although he believes he is in love just doesn’t understand it enough to see the real beauty and color of a true love. I find it interesting that the other people are able to view her, but he can only dream of her beauty and that is why I use the drive-in movie theatre as the setting.

Inspired by the Beatles song “HONEY PIE”


Insopiaration comes from the Beatles song, “LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS”


The welcome mat says “WELCOME” come on in but she doesn’t let you in. The flowers in his hand and the green light of “I love you” say go, but she shows the red light of stop. Truly a Contradiction.

Inspired by the Beatles song, “HELLO GOODBYE”


I imagine that this poor soul has traveled this road so many times and his love has never been there to meet him. In the years since his last visit he has lived a tormented life without his love beside him and now wishes to visit that door again. With no one there again to greet him, he has left a pool of tears, a reflection of himself and a rose that has long since faded.

Inspired by the Beatles song


We love each other through out our lives from hikes of enjoyment when we were young to those times where we rise together over streams of adversity to the final beautiful sunsets of our life together.

Inspired by the Beatles beautiful song, “HERE THERE AND EVERYWHERE”

I represented the daily mood changes as a beautiful girl that changes her moods as though they are just different heads that she can easily switch as needed.


This painting was inspired by the Beatles tune, “HER MAJESTY”


Behind everyones imagination and fantasy there lies a bit of reality. Did Bill want to hunt down a tiger or was it his overbearing and over protective mom, who constantly lives in the background of his troubled mind. I used man on the edge of reality who uses animal crackers in his forest of imagination. The song talks about his trusty elephant, so I used a stuffed toy to represent the mans only reliable, never wavering comfort that he has as a young lad. The corks used to hold the animal crackers represent the comfort he has as an adult. The song refers to all the children that sing and I’ve included them as paper cutouts made by Bill. As cutouts hanging from the table represent the only true friends that the man has ever had.

Inspired by the Beatles song “BUNGALOW BILL”